Friday 27 July 2007

Tent bits, kipple and blink....

The quantity of tent related stuff in my hall is growing. Like kipple it is taking over, filling all the available space and has begun a slow directionless migration to all points various.

The worst thing is it's stealthy advance, it moves when you are not looking, bit like Dr Who, blink and you miss it! The individual parts are cunningly disguised as cardboard boxes, except for the carpet, which refuses to be contained and is leaking from its box a little bit more each day… the carpet is the piece to watch its much more clever than the rest, including the wardrobe that came with the tent!.

Tonight I will glory in the in the ripping away of the cardboard,a frenzy of recycling that will make me feel good! A stripping away if its boxy camouflage in an attempt to contain it in the hall for a short time, before I trap it in the car…

I might need help.

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