Thursday 11 October 2007

It's been 7 weeks since my last post…

So I went on holiday and discovered that France cannot be navigated by wifi hotspot alone! But with my wife and three kids, no problem. What follows is a quick description of the first few days, of what was the best holiday I've had for a long time:

Day one.

Friday. We are in Portsmouth and of course it's raining, but the tent is up and we are all warm and dry. We sail in two days.

Day two

Still raining. It started in earnest, (not a small town near-by, but rain that is committed to making it really wet), after the tent was up, the temperature fleeces are on and I hope it stops before we have to pack up.

Day three

Sunday. How ironic it's stopped raining! We have a window of opportunity and we are going to to take it. Packing the tent at the speed of Brian he snail!

Whooppee at the The Royal Beech hotel, showers and warm baths all-round, hot teas and dry clothes. Have we become fair weather campers?

After a walk on the South pier, admiring the rain, sorry the view, we introduced the children to the visiting community of geriatrics and business people in the chandeliered luxury of the hotel restaurant. We stuck it out. Managed the food fight, a chorus of I need a pooh and a change of dress, which was definitely not in the dress code. Bed!

Day four

Monday. On the ferry. Due to the trials of the pre-ceeding days three members of the family are in the cabin asleep. The eldest has succumbed to hardcore drug abuse and is unconscious . I have decided this is my personal preference and also that of Brittany Ferries who thoughtfully provided the drugs are very conscientious and dislike the idea of projectile vomiting as much as I do. Although she was a lovely shade of green.

Hard on the two of us who had to watch, Simpsons the Movie, brilliant.

The five hour crossing is over. We are in France. It is raining.

Day five

Tuesday. Falaise. Put the tent up yesterday in torrential rain, an upgrade on earnest! Would not have managed it if the Germans next door hadn't put down their dinner and helped. Lots of mopping up. The appalling weather creates the opportunity for deep thought, different ways of torturing the children who think that provoking Dad is a way of relieving the tension and more seriously, I think I am becoming a pessimist! Oh yeah it isn't raining.

Day six

Wednesday. Explore the town and castle. Do a drawing! Just fantastic and plan to chase the sun...

Day seven and eight

Thursday to Friday. St Laurent sur Sevre at a sweet campsite, La Rouge Gorge, in the Vendee. Tomorrow La Puy du Fou. It's stopped raining.

Day nine

The hottest day of the holiday so far and a little bit surreal! We went to La Puy du Fou, a French day a out with difference, not excluding a French bias to history!

Now with high expectations we are going swimming...

I'll add more when I get back from Venice!

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