Wednesday 24 October 2007

A new job and the hurly burly of commuting

So, this week I have started a new job, a bit of a shock to the system after my extended break and commuting as rather taken the gloss of the day...

I have to get up earlier, not a problem, leave before I have managed to have at least two coffees and some toast, that's OK. I have to iron clothes again, which sounds like I don't normally and then join a swirling, rushing mass of humanity that think London is some sort of assault course at which you must throw yourself with no concern for those you might step on, into or over as you race for work and chant (an internal monologue)- 'gotta get a seat, gotta get a seat- that's my seat!'.

I've noticed that the rush doesn't really slow down until people get to coffee shop and get their baby beakers, you know that cup with the plastic top that just takes you back to more innocent times? An eddy in the journey to work.

Similarly the rush home is an escalator fight of hips and handbags, strategically placed attitudes, as everyone moves rapidly along within their MP3 cocoons, to the evenings unique and personal soundtrack. Salmon heading home... 'nuf said.

Oh the temptation to play a Bond theme or the Bourne Identity... I feel quite relaxed when I leave my desk, but the journey, the aggression, being away has left me relaxed, but not immune to this! Its not a feeling I want to lose.

The job is good though, small company, focused positive and pleasant with real opportunities and challenges.

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