Thursday 8 November 2007

Agro of the commute...

Hmm, I'm not down, but amazed that there are a lot of commuters... that is wrong, I'll start again.

Commuters, (or as I typed by mistake a moment ago committers!), fall into two basic categories aggressors and sheep. There are those who stare owl eyed up at the boards waiting for an indication that their train will depart, if at all, if not on time and move in small knots toward the relevant platform. Others who, defy physics by trying to occupy the same space as other commuters.

By that I mean me, the other commuter, positive happy and often smiling. I have had two encounters today with people who thought I was in their regular spot or the exact spot that they would like to stand, sit or perch in!

Amazing, I think that from today I will start to photograph these interesting and challenged souls as examples of scientific interest and sometimes publish them here as examples of eccentric and fascinating behaviour.

Unusually they are not under threat, indeed they are a healthy and growing group of opinionated and robust individuals, I only hope that if two or more of them try to occupy the same space they will cancel each other, with a moist pop .

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